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"Carphone Warehouse verkauft das 8600 für 149,99 britische Pfund. Umgerechnet entspricht dies gut 221 Euro."
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Wie bitte???
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"Carphone Warehouse verkauft das 8600 für 149,99 britische Pfund. Umgerechnet entspricht dies gut 221 Euro."
natürlich mit dem teuersten vertrag und evtl. paar zusatzpacks
dat ham die wohl verschwiegen :p
naja...ich mein für den einführungspreis ca. 220€ mit vertrag finde ich den preis ganz akzeptabel :top:
Sieht schon klasse aus das 8600. Leider verkaufen die meisten bei eBay nur innerhalb Uk. Aber das Gerät muß schnellstens her
Gefällt mir besser als das 8800 (Sirocco)
Mir gefällt dad Teil auf den Bildern überhaupt nicht,unabhängig davon,daß ich mein Sirocco liebe . Aber ich denke,ich muß es mal live sehen.
Schickes Handy das 8600,
imho aber "nur" eine aufgehübschte Version des 6300. Schick anzusehen, aber vom Nutzwert fraglich -> wegen dem Slider. Naja, mal abwerten wie es in "real" letztendlich wirkt. Wobei: Schick ist das 6300 ja mal auch
Grüsse vom bullroarer
Nun ist es auch offiziell keine Spekulation mehr, gerade als E-Mail reingekommen:
Datenblatt (PDF)
MfG Sascha
EDIT: Hier noch der Rest der Mail:
ZitatAlles anzeigen
Nokia 8600 Luna: A definitive design statement with a touch of glass
The timeless beauty of glass highlights the latest evolution of Nokia's most coveted phone series
Espoo, Finland - Building upon a tradition of crafting its most unique and prestigious phones from trend-setting materials like chrome, stainless steel and titanium, Nokia today unveiled the Nokia 8600 Luna, which has been precision engineered from the same material that has inspired both artists and craftsmen for centuries- glass.
The melding of nearly opaque smoked glass with unique, soft-touch stainless steel makes the Nokia 8600 Luna as enchanting to behold as it is a joy to touch. Adding to its mysterious allure, a gentle keypad illumination pulsates from beneath the glass case while the phone awaits a call. Combined with the warmth of its glass and stainless steel body, this "heartbeat" transforms the Nokia 8600 Luna from an inanimate object into a trusted companion with an organic, virtually alive form. When a call does beckon, the signature slide movement is carefully balanced to smoothly raise the ergonomic keypad from within its glass cocoon.
"An obsession to every detail marked each step in the development process of the Nokia 8600 Luna. We took painstaking effort to ensure that the experience delivered by every surface - from the smoothness of glass against the face to the warmth of stainless steel in the palm to the superior tactile feedback of the keypad - would surpass any and all expectations," said Heikki Norta, Senior Vice President, Mobile Phones, Nokia. "Even the name holds special significance. Much like the Nokia 8600 Luna that we named in her honor, Luna, the goddess of moonlight, was often represented by the Romans as a mysteriously captivating beauty encircled in a soft, yet radiant light."
The balance of aesthetics and ergonomics found in the design of the Nokia 8600 Luna continues in its well thought out feature set. Nokia's first use of a single micro-USB port not only allows for a streamlined design free of extraneous indentations, it allows owners to streamline common activities - like charging, audio and data connectivity - into a single connection. Quad-band GSM support also allows owners to easily stay connected while they are on the road, while the large, bright display is perfect for sharing images captured with the 2 megapixel camera.
The Nokia 8600 Luna is expected to be available during the 2nd quarter of 2007 at an estimated retail price of €700 before taxes and subsidies.
hmm also die rückseite ist wirklich nicht gelungen :flop:
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