Z 100 ist definitiv tot...es lebe Series 60 von Nokia

  • Sendo verklagt Microsoft

    ... nun ja, jetzt kommen wohl doch noch die Details ans Tageslicht. Ich bin gespannt, wann der erste Journalist die Klageschrift angefordert hat und dann über die Einzelheiten berichtet. Ich finde jedenfalls, das Ding liest sich wie ein Grisham.

    Ganz grob gesagt stellt Sendo in der Klageschrift auf bald 30 Seiten dar, wie MS von Anfang an Sendo nachweislich falsche Informationen gegeben hat und unter Vorspielung falscher Tatsachen sowohl die Kontakte von Sendo zu den Netzbetreibern als auch deren technische Entwicklung und geheime Informationen erschlichen hat.

    Ich werde sehen, wann und ob ich Euch weiter informieren kann. Ich weiß noch nicht, wie "confidential" ich das Thema behandeln muss.

    Mirko Lange

  • Es wird Zeit das endlich die Heim PC-User aufwachen und erkennen das es auch noch andere Firmen als Microsoft und andere BESYS als Windows gibt!

  • Details über die Klage

    Hier ist ein interssanter Artikel von Reuters von einem Journalisten, der wohl die Klageschrift vorliegen hatte. Sie enthält aus meiner Sicht einige der wichtigsten Passagen:


    Sendo sues Microsoft

    By Lucas van Grinsven
    AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Mobile phone maker Sendo has filed a suit in a U.S. federal court against its former partner Microsoft, accusing it of stealing its technology and customers.

    The small British company was Microsoft's key partner in entering the 400 million unit a year mobile phone market until the two companies unexpectedly cut ties last month without disclosing all the reasons why they fell out.

    The court filings allege that Microsoft, in search of new growth markets but lacking mobile phone expertise, extracted crucial information about the industry from Sendo and passed it on to friendly low-cost contract manufacturers in Asia.

    Privately owned Sendo may claim several hundred million dollars in damages, according to people familiar with the court proceedings.

    "Microsoft's secret plan was to plunder the small company of its proprietary information, technical expertise, market knowledge, customers and prospective customers," the filing said. "Microsoft gained Sendo's trust and confidence through false promises that Sendo would be its 'go-to-market-partner'."

    Microsoft executives in Europe declined to comment. But they told Reuters several weeks ago, when rumours emerged about a conflict between the two firms over misuse of Sendo proprietary information, that such allegations were without merit. Microsoft is a minority shareholder in Sendo.

    The complaint, filed at the eastern district court in Texarkana, Texas, which has a reputation for speedy processing of cases, also alleges that Microsoft sidelined Sendo after obtaining the information that it needed.

    "Microsoft used Sendo's knowledge and expertise to its benefit to gain direct entry into the burgeoning next-generation mobile phone market and then, after driving Sendo to the brink of bankruptcy, cut it out of the picture," the filings said.

    Sendo in November cancelled all cooperation with Microsoft when it was just weeks away from launching its z100 smartphone, running on Microsoft software. As a result, the launch was scrapped.

    At the time Sendo declined to give all the reasons for the split, saying only it had not been given access to so-called 'source code' which would allow it to tailor the software.

    The lawsuit could affect Microsoft's relationships with other small technology companies. It also comes at an awkward time for the Redmond, Washington-based software giant as it is conducting make-or-break negotiations with Europe's antitrust regulators about alleged abuse of its market dominance.

    After breaking with Microsoft, Sendo went on to sign a contract with Symbian of Britain and Nokia of Finland, forgoing a potential 300 million-euro (194 million pound) revenue stream from its Microsoft-based phone. It had already signed supply deals with many mobile telecom carriers around the world.

    Sendo, already looking for fresh funding over the summer months, needs at least another 12 months to develop a new smartphone. Such phones give users access to data services like email, a personal organiser, messages and games.

    The relationship between Sendo and Microsoft was always rocky, sources close to the companies said.

    Several sources told Reuters last month that Sendo management believed certain special features it had put in its phone over and above Microsoft's usual standard operating system had emerged in other smartphones Microsoft was involved in.

    In the filings, Sendo said that "Microsoft provided Sendo's proprietary hardware expertise and trade secrets to low-cost original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who would not otherwise have had the expertise to manufacture handsets that would use (Microsoft software) and used Sendo's carrier-customer relationships to establish its own contractual relationships."

    Among rival phones that also use Microsoft software is the Orange SPV, produced by Taiwan's High Tech Computer (HTC) for French-owned mobile telecom service provider Orange.

    That phone, the world's first smartphone using a slimmed-down version of Microsoft Windows desktop PC software, was launched two weeks before Sendo decided to stop working with Microsoft.

    Mirko Lange

  • Der Thread ist schon alt, doch wollte ich mal fragen, was eigentlich mit Sendos Smartphone Sparte los ist? Mich würde interessieren wann man mal was vom Z200 hört!


  • Ja aus dem Z100 wurde nichts, aber sie haben ja auch das M550 vorgestellt, also frage ich mich halt, wann man mal was vom Z200 mit Symbian hört. Naja vielleicht brauchen die einfach noch...

  • Die gewöhnlich gut unterrichteten Kreise erzählen etwas von September!Die Geheimhaltung ist sehr groß, damit die anderen Firmen nicht die aussergewöhnlichen Features kopieren können. Also Überraschung ist angesagt! Fragt mich aber nicht, woher ich das weiß, vielleicht äußert sich Mirko mal dazu! ;)

  • Na das hört sich doch mal gut an, kommt es September oder wird es im Sept. dann vorgestellt? Dann wart ich vielleicht doch mal mit dem Neonode:) Ist das mit den außergewöhnlichen Features ernst gemeint oder ironisch?

  • Aber es soll noch dieses Jahr kommen, oder?
    Naja nochmal können die sich nicht so nen patzer wie beim Z100 erlauben, deswegen sind wahrscheinlich alle mit besonderem Elan dran;)

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