• Naja das Ami T720 heißt wohl T720e glaub ich. So... in einem newsgroup hab ich das gefunden:

    A friend of mine was in a VZ store in California and saw a Motorola rep in
    there with the GSM version of the T720 and asked him a series of questions
    that led to the following answers:

    1. Motorola's Data Kit for the T720 will not have any functionality
    whatsoever for uploading photos, ringtones, or anything to the phone. They
    will release uploadable kits for non-Verizon T720's, but Verizon set a
    protocol where only the Get It Now service will allow users to get stuff
    "into" the phone.

    2. The camera attachment for the T720 will only work with the GSM version
    of the phone. No go for Verizon customers.

    3. The GSM version of the phone is a stripped-down Verizon version with
    much of the cool features absent. They get a camera, we get more goodies it

    4. There will be no BACK covers released for the Verizon T720, only front
    covers. However, there will be front and back cover sets released for the
    GSM version as it does not have an extended life battery and potential for
    confused customers like the Verizon version (fat and skinny battery doors).
    These cover sets for the GSM version will fit the Verizon T720, so time to
    order yours from a T Mobile or Cingular store.

    5. There is a way to use a key on the phone to act as a "page down" button
    for the Openwave browser, but he wasn't sure how to do it and will report
    the request at his next training meeting.

    6. The stubby antenna on the GSM version cannot be used on the Verizon
    version as they connect differently and even if you could get one on there
    the reception would be compromised by about 25% due to the construction of
    the phone.

    7. The flash firmware upgrade will be available to all next week or early
    the week after.

    Ist nicht so wichtig aber interessant zu wissen was die da machen in USA :rolleyes:

    My desire clenches itself in a hungry fist
    And welcomes my soul to the thirst of dying
    Mother of all, come take your revenge
    The sun shall never greet my eyes again

  • Das hast Du leider nicht ganz richtig verstanden.
    Verizon ist ein Netzbetreiber, der sich eine spezielle Version des T720 hat zimmern lassen. Die unterscheidet sich komplett von den "normalen" Versionen.

    In den USA gibt es aber auch die normale GSM-Version und die CDMA-Version, die nicht verkrüppelt wurden!

  • ja und? Ich meinte nicht dass das Verizon t720 das Ami-t720 ist. Wie ich selber geschrieben habe:
    Ist nicht so wichtig aber interessant zu wissen was die da machen in USA.

    Nichts weniger und nichts mehr :)

    My desire clenches itself in a hungry fist
    And welcomes my soul to the thirst of dying
    Mother of all, come take your revenge
    The sun shall never greet my eyes again

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