Jackass - the movie : der Trailer
Yo, nich schlecht :top:
Ich find Jackass nur genial, hoffentlich kommt der Film auch in Deutschland in die Kinos !? Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe :confused:
MfG aus HH
Ein genialler Schwachsinn , den ich mir auf jedenfall reinziehen werde ......
simon -
Ahhh geil
Jackass & die MTV Freak Show sind einfach nur krank
Die Jungs sind göttlich !!!
Der Fillm muss nach GERMANY kommen!!!
Benny -
@ thalabel
Danke für den Trailer. :top:
Die Jungs sind echt genial. Der Film muß in die deutschen Kinos kommen.
Läuft der Film eigentlich schon in den USA?
Ralf -
Verstehe die Idee eines ganzen Filmes nicht ganz, denn im Endeffekt werden aneinandergeschnittene Sequenzen wie in der Serie gezeigt.
Aber lustig wird's allemal!Die Freak Show ist für mich nur ein Abklatsch von Jackass, sozusagen 'Jackass für Arme'.
Gruß! Kromi
Der Film startet in den USA am 9. August 2002.
Mit dem Deutschlandstart ist wohl im November/Dezember zu rechnen.
Die offizielle Internetseite lautet: http://www.JackasstheMovie.com
Noch mehr Infos hier!Hier ein 1. Preview zum Film von AINTITCOOLNEWS.com (leider in englisch):
First Review Of JACKASS: THE MOVIE!!
Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.
Well, there were quite a few AICN spies at the JACKASS screening last night in Hollywood. This is just the first review to come in. I talked to John Robie, and am looking forward to reading his reaction soon. In the meantime, here’s Jack Tipper with a glimpse at a film that’s currently aiming for a fall release. I don’t want to wait!!
Well, I just got back from seeing the first-ever screening of JACKASS THE MOVIE in Hollywood. First off, let me just say WOW. I don’t remember the last time I was in a theater and laughed practically the entire time. I was either laughing or turning my head away in disgust. Before going to see it, realize this isn’t the greatest thing of all time, rather an 80 minute shock-fest filled with a cast of characters that really know how to challenge the laugh-meter.Ok, now for the spoilers.
The movie starts off with a hilarious opening shot set to grand classical music. Amidst a mass of smoke emerges an enormous grocery store shopping cart, big enough to hold virtually the entire cast. 2 other guys are clinging to the sides as it goes full steam down a hill in slow motion. The audience was in tears. The guys are freeze framed as their names appear. They are hitting each other and being blasted by objects. Trust me, it was hysterical.
The movie is basically an 80 version of the show, with nudity and foul language. Some skits that stand out were a golf cart smash ‘em up derby in an old mini golf course. Knoxville takes the worst of it when his cart flips over and rolls on him. Brutal. Some show skits were worked in like “Old Men” and “Party Boy.” Steve-O wasn’t in it as much as I would have liked but Bam Magera tortures his parents by waking them up at 1:00 a.m. with a huge fireworks display in their bedroom. Instead of “Night Monkey”, we are treated to a Japanese version of “Night Pandas” which is hysterical. There are several scenes taped in Japan.
The “gross” factor is high. One guy goes number 2 in his pants, and later goes into a plumbing store and just pulls down his drawers and takes a dump. There is plenty of puking like when Steve-O snorts wassabe in a sushi joint. Also, one of the highlights of the movie is when Ehren McGhehey makes his own snow cone outside and then takes a piss into it. You think he’s done, but the guys egg him on to eat it and he does! Gross! The theater loved it! Other quick thing I remember include Knoxville having Ryan Dunn give him paper cuts between his fingers and toes, and Steve-O has the sides of his mouth/lips paper cut.
My favorite skit was actually low on the gross factor. Bam and Knoxville dress up as burglars and are above an office of data-entry type people. The are then lowered so they ìfall throughî the office ceiling, like they have just fallen mid-heist. The office workers freak, including a brawny black guy who runs out right away like a scared little girl! Too funny. Anyway, the movie is fast paced and I can say that the 80 minutes flew by. The audience really seemed to like this movie and laughed the entire time. I recommend this flick, but buyers beware as it is really nasty.
If nothing you just read made you laugh, then trust me... even without laying eyes on it... I can recommend that you skip me. Me? I’m there opening day.
hat jemand vom trailer auch eine mpg version ? ich hab leider kein quicktime !
mfg mm
Den Film muß ich sehen!!!
Der Trailer macht schon echt lust wieder Jackass zu gucken.
Als auf MTV das Jackass Weekend war habe ich mir fast alle Serien reingezogen. Die sind so fertig.:D
Jetzt mitmachen!
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