Vertu, it's to simple to the phone for 7000 Euro

  • However, the design and the materials this thing is made of rocks! :top:

    I don't think that there is any other mobile phone related item that allows freaks with too much money to express their freakness. If I could afford this thing (unfortunately I can't) I would for sure buy one... :rolleyes: :D

    And why should the weight be a problem for a phone that is made of real metal, rubies, diamonds and leather?!? It gives you a feeling of absolutely high end quality. When friends of mine occasionally use the remote control of my TV (Beo4 from B&O) they always ask why this thing is so heavy. Then I tell them that this remote is almost 4 years old and still looks like on day one, that you can keep it in your hands for hours and it always remains steel cold, and that it's just using its second set of batteries through these 4 years.

    When you look at an item like the Vertu you must measure it with a completely different view. You cannot compare it to "normal" mobiles and say "it's too heavy". This is like comparing a VW Golf and a Mercedes S class and saying "the S class is too heavy and too large".

    It was made to be large and heavy... :D

    Ist das eine von den Kirchen, wo man so kleine Cracker kriegt? Ich habe Hunger!

  • But you don't care your remote control the whole day with you in your jacket, don't you? ;)

    So ich think you can say it's too big and too heavy! (an too ugly :D )

  • Somewhere, I've read that once having buyed a Vertu mobile, you can have your hardware upgraded for free, if new technologies are available. Is it true? For how long this upgrade option is valid?

  • I'd rather compare the Vertu to a Ferrari F50 or a Maybach: Both in their ways completely unnecassary yet splendid cars, way too expensive yet very prestigeous... It's not the weight, the size, the features, it's the material and the fact that to pay 7k € makes you one out of 1 million users who's got one.

    That reminds me to Moonty Python:
    Chorus: We are all individuals; one man: I'm not! ;)

    Enttäuscht vom Affen schuf Gott den Menschen.
    Danach verzichtete er auf weitere Experimente.

    - Mark Twain -

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von Jeeves
    I'd rather compare the Vertu to a Ferrari F50 or a Maybach: Both in their ways completely unnecassary yet splendid cars, way too expensive yet very prestigeous...

    But these 2 cars make driving a car an experience. Phoning on a Vertu is still normal phoning! I wouldn't buy it, even if i could afford it!

    "... infinity’s a great place to start"
    No Line on the Horizon - U2

  • I agree with BigBlue (I usally prefer light and small handsets) with the vertu its different. It needs to be heavy so one can feel the quality...(the Nokia 8910 gives you a kind of that feeling also of course it cant compete with the vertu...

    on a mission 42.195...
    Apple iPhone 3G 8 GB | Italien | 2.2.1 | Netz: o2

  • seb99 & EldarMurtazin: That's a good point I admit. Let me compare it to a Rolls Poyce Silver Seraph instead: Frickin' expensive, very exclusive when it comes to selection of materials and total numbers, but very old-fashioned when it comes to hi-tec. ;)

    Enttäuscht vom Affen schuf Gott den Menschen.
    Danach verzichtete er auf weitere Experimente.

    - Mark Twain -

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