ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal geschrieben von placeb0
ich finde es irgendwie doof, das jetzt ein Ende der Serie
abzusehen ist! Es soll wohl noch drei weitere Staffeln geben und 2010 soll dann schluß sein :flop:
Sehr sehr schade, da ich finde Lost ist eine der besten Serien überhaupt.
Gruß placebo
Aber gerade das finde ich blöd, dass es also noch drei Staffeln dauern soll.
ABC hat den Produzenten der Hitserie Lost ihren Wunsch nach einem Ablaufdatum gewährt: Nach der derzeit in den USA laufenden Season 3 folgen noch 48 Episoden, aufgeteilt auf drei weitere Staffeln mit je 16 Folgen. Die finale, 119. Episode wird also während der Season 2009-10 laufen.
Das muss die letzten beiden Folgen aber sowas von einem Cliffhanger sein...
#321 (16/05/07): Greatest Hits - central person: Charlie
#322 (23/05/07): Through the Looking Glass - central person: Jack
#323 (23/05/07): Through the Looking Glass - central person: Jack
A look at the questions that have been answered and the mysteries yet to be solved for the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 will be the focus of a new special -- in anticipation of the upcoming season finale episode -- on "Lost: The Answers," airing Thursday, May 17 on ABC
The Special is Hosted by “Lost” Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse ABC once again invites new and avid “Lost” viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. “Lost: The Answers” will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating – in anticipation of the Season Finale episode. The special will take an in-depth look at the mysteries of both the island and its inhabitants and recap the secrets that have been revealed, as well as those that remain unanswered.
Hosted by “Lost” executive producers Damon Lindelof (also a co-creator of the show) and Carlton Cuse, the special will revisit mysteries that have been solved, including why a polar bear is on an island in the South Pacific, who the real father of Sun’s baby is, what caused the crash of Oceanic flight 815, who was in the hatch, what happened to the Dharma group, how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, what Kate did to become one of America’s most wanted, and the identity of the real Sawyer -- who conned James Ford’s parents – leading to their deaths. In addition, mysteries that remain unsolved will also be explored.
Gruß Gunn