kann vielleicht mal ein "Fachkundiger" folgende zwei Texte überfliegen und Tipps geben?
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In the following I want to discuss about the sense of abolishing all signs and road markings and other possibly ways to increase road safety. Removing all signs and road markings is the psychological way, which should give drivers more care. A survey from RTL says that only approximately half of all drivers know the meanings of the most important road signs. That means that half of all drivers drive only by their felling – I think it’s a very unsafely way to control a vehicle. The survey confirms my last conclusion too, than the “feeling drivers” cause more accidents than drivers, who regard on signs. Abolishing all signs could increase the amount of accidents. Another chance to increase road safety could be our current system with a better traffic control. We would need more policemen to control the traffic and check speed merchants. In addition the punishments for ignoring traffic rules should be rising. A big disadvantage of this way is the giant coast for it. The next point would be perhaps the best solution. Useless signs could be abolished and all drivers should make every ten years a new licence. A good punishment for ignoramuses could be the loss of their licence for ten years.
All in all I think all ways have their advantages, but anything should be done to decrease road accidents.
Will fuel cells cars replace cars with internal combustion engines in the future?
(introductory sentence, main part, concluding statement)
I would like to discuss about fuel cells and their enforcement in private cars against combustion engines. I think a change to fuel cells would be the right way to reduce the greenhouse gas and protect the people’s health. Then they could go through the city without breathing stinky air. We would not depend on oil or petroleum. The production of hydrogen could be cleaner, by means of big solar panels in deserts or in areas with a long sunshine. In addition the actual price for hydrogen could be decreased. That it would be more interesting for shippers and other transport companies. A big part of the taxes for the new gas could be cut in price. Also goods would get cheaper, because transport would not be so expensive.Then in future people could produce their own hydrogen and could use it for their cars or perhaps for their houses too.
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