+ FExplorer v.1.15 :: after few betas, new version is out!

  • FExplorer for S60 is Updated to version 1.15

    Fexplorer very popular freeware 3rd party manger for Symbian S60 smartphones has been updated to version 1.15 and available for download from Symbian Freak or directly from GoSymbian official FExplorer site.

    This version support more device (3230, 6680, 6681, 6682, N70, N90) and include some new features like: improved Hex viewer, screentaker works with N90 to, in the 'tools' menu is added an option to dump (into a log file placed in the root) a list of *all* the installed applications with.. ...

    Read more:
    FExplorer v 1.15 full improvements list & download - full story

    Sincerely yours,

  • Anscheinend spricht er kein deutsch.

    There is still such a thread here. I have noticed that you often make postings in english, in which already a german thread exists. In my view it seems that you want to push your website with your postings here! By the way: the board language is german not englisch!

    -= RS77 is signing off! =-
    - S60inside - Smartphone News, Infos, Tests -

  • Zitat

    that you want to push your website with your postings here!

    Wenn das mal nicht der Richtige sagt... Man sieht ja öfter mal in deinen Postings nen Link zu s60.at ... ;)

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von MrGroover
    Wenn das mal nicht der Richtige sagt... Man sieht ja öfter mal in deinen Postings nen Link zu s60.at ... ;)

    Ja, das schon, aber ich eröffne nicht neue Threads, die es bereits schon gibt, schreibe nicht in englisch und verlinke zu s60.at nur, wenn es zum Thema paßt. Ich kann ja nicht Testberichte von Programmen hier reinkopieren, da verlinke ich lieber!

    -= RS77 is signing off! =-
    - S60inside - Smartphone News, Infos, Tests -

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