Wo bekomm ich denn die Firmware her?
Sie wird zwar selbst bei Sendo angepriesen:
(Aktuelle Version: X. : 78 - 30,7 MB)
jedoch kann man nur die beiden Vorgängerversionen downloaden.
Kann mir einer schreiben wo ich die aktuelle Firmware herbekomme.
Beschreibung der Firmware:
Firmwareänderungen zwischen und --> SendoX
Hinweis: Laut http://www.sendosmartphones.com sollen folgende Änderungen bei der aktuellen Firmware gemacht worden sein:
* GPRS: The GPRS bug in the previous releases of this firmware has now been fixed.
* Camera: The night mode is gone. The camera's response to lighting levels overall has been vastly improved.
* Camcorder: Much faster frame rates are attainable.
* MP3 player: Less pauses when switching between applications.
* Messgaing: The SMS counter bug is *finally* fixed.
* Contacts: The annoying "Copy SIM Contacts" message has gone.
* Keylock: The annoying double press problem has been fixed when unlocking the keys.
* Network: Network acquisition has been sped up quite a bit.
* RAM: The phone now has over 5MB of RAM free on startup, a gaining of over 1MB on most phones.
* RealPlayer: Users report that frame rates on video play back have increased tremendously.
* New features, not previously seen on the Sendo X:
* Speed Dial: You can now set applications as well as phone numbers as Speed Dial allocations.
* Now!: Many new features, including the ability to toggle on or off the section headers. To do this, press and hold the left or right side key (the silver ones) - the one you need is the "Edit" key (i.e. not the one which activates VoiceSignal)
* Easy Start: A very nice new way to automatically setup the MMS, WAP, GPRS and other settings for your phone. Much easier than even the Sendo Online Configurator.
Hier gibt es die Version