Herzliche Glückwünsche auch von mir, auf das Du weiterhin einen solch tollen Kartoffelsalat zauberst... :top:
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Herzliche Glückwünsche auch von mir, auf das Du weiterhin einen solch tollen Kartoffelsalat zauberst... :top:
Hallo Karen,
herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir :):p
Das ich den Thread übersehen habe, wie Laubi vermutete, stimmt nicht so
ganz. Ich Trottel hatte nur vergessen, diesen Karen zu zeigen...
Ich habe Karen gerade mal angemeldet...
Sie möchte sich heute abend noch selbst bedanken...
einen herzlichen Glückwunsch wünsche ich dir.
Der Kartoffelsalat war super, der schmeckte direkt nach mehr
Feier recht schön, aber mit deinem boyfriend - wenn er mal Zeit hat
Bess dehmnäx,
Thankyou Laubi for your unknown greetings. I hope to meet you at a next big "handy freak" get together. :p
Thankyou for the greetings, it is nice to get all this attention!!
Thankyou for your comments, especially about being crazy enough to be with Dag. All I can say to that is ........ someone has to!!
Thanks for the blinking smilies, that was nice and thanks also for the greetings.
SunnyStar (Alex)
That was my first Birthday greeting from Bavaria!! Thankyou. As for shouting loud about it don´t they start forgetting about shouting loud after so many Birthdays?
Thankyou for your greetings.
Hope you had fun in Scotland. I bet you had a few drinks with locals but I am also sure that they didn´t pay for one round!! Am I right?
Yes, I can´t believe I have left England either (my family are all in Ireland but we stem from England) but someone has to look after him!!
Thankyou to all of you, your greetings really mean something to me. I hope we can catch up real soon. Big kisses to you all, especially my little one, Maren.
Greetings back, thankyou.
I remember you from the camping, crazy one!! Get off the back of Jochen, his greetings were really nice. Thankyou too for yours.
What kind of a name is that?? Thankyou for your greetings and I am pleased you like my potato salad.
Thankyou also for your greetings, so many received from you all
your apologies for not showing me are accepted. You can´t help being older than me and forgetfull!!
You are welcome for the potato salad. I can´t believe it has got so famous. As for my partying with my boyfriend, I am afraid I couldn´t do that as Dag was home still we had a nice time getting drunk and playing darts.
Ok that´s it guys, thank you all very much. It was overwelming and makes me feel happy.
Re: Happy Birthday, Karen!
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von Laubi
[...] Was man(n) nicht alles tut, damit sich die Frauen mal hier im Forum anmelden [...]
I love it, when a plan comes together
Welcome to TT, Karen!
Thankyou Laubi for your unknown greetings. I hope to meet you at a next big "handy freak" get together
You're welcome
I hope to meet you at the Party on the 9th of Nov.?!
Yours sincerly,
Maybe we can drink a Guiness together, also with Dag?!
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von KarenPF
What kind of a name is that?? Thankyou for your greetings and I am pleased you like my potato salad.
It´s a f*ckin´ good kind of name
Well, I think your boyfriend is able to tell my story to you! Greetz,
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von Butterfly
(kann man Kölsch ins Englische translaten? I don´t think so:))
Nicht nötig - Kölsch ist Koelsch. Aussprache ein wenig wie 'ne Mischung
zwischen cool und Koelsch...;)
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von Messias2106
Well, I think your boyfriend is able to tell my story to you!
What kind of story. I'v'nt heard any f***ing story...:confused:
Have I blinked and missed it...
BTW: Es gibt keinen Kartoffelsalat dieses Jahr. Letztes Jahr ist fast eine
ganze, grosse Schüssel übriggeblieben. Die wurde dann gegen mehrere
GinTonic im Bankers eingetauscht...:D
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von DagBO
What kind of story. I'v'nt heard any f***ing story...:confused:
Have I blinked and missed it...
Genau: Erst geblinkt und dann vermißt oder so ähnlich zumindest...!
Macht aber nichts, ich verzeihe Dir, weird old man *HideAndAway*
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