Ich mache mal eben einen neuen Thread auf, weil das wahrsch. nur für einen sehr ausgesuchten Kreis von Menschen interessant ist, z.B. für Dich, Abi99...
Sieh mir bitte meine Unwissenheit nach. Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob das interessant für Dich ist, was ich da auf der CD, die dem 715 beiliegt, gefunden habe. Jedenfalls gibt es ein Verz. namens "OpenOBEX". Dort drin findet man zunächst folgende readme:
This is the ABS (Alcatel Business Systems) modifications to the official OpenObex
OpenObex is used by the ABS "Content Manager" application to
support Obex protocol over Irda on windows ME. It is not used on other
microsoft windows versions.
ABS/OpenObex is not intented to be an improvement of official
OpenObex distribution, but rather an adaptation for specific
needs. It is maybe not wise to re-use it for any other application.
Please refer to <http://openobex.sourceforge.net/> for further
information on OpenObex.
It is build on OpenObex-0.9.8. The main modification is the
addition to the API of two functions:
- IrOBEX_Discover()
- IrOBEX_TransportConnectEx()
-- prototypes:
gint IrOBEX_TransportConnectEx(obex_t *self, const char *service, const struct irda_device_info* dev);
gint IrOBEX_Discover(obex_t *self, struct irda_device_list * list);
IrOBEX_Discover() function allows to discover IrDA devices in
range and returns the available devices list. It is required
to call IrOBEX_Discover() before calling IrOBEX_TransportConnectEx().
IrOBEX_TransportConnect() uses should not be changed.
Other tuning minor modifications have been done. Refer to source code.
This source code is provided as it without any warranty of any
Please Refer to other README files for further information.
OpenObex requires glib-1.2 or further. You should install it on
your system if you want to recompile ABS/OpenObex. Glib-1.3.12
libs and header files are provided in the "binaries" folder only
for convenience.
Directories Content:
- "Modifies Files": this file contains the list of the file
modified by ABS.
- "Alcatel Modified Files Only": contains only the ABS versions of
modified files without the files unchanged from official
distribution. (sorry, no diff available)
- "OpenObex-0.9.8": contains the official OpenObex distribution.
- "Alcatel-openobex": contains full sources distribution of the
ABS version.
- "Binaries": contains header files and pre-compiled ABS/openobex librairies
(including glib-1.3.12 libs and header files)
Installation Notes
Copy the "openobex-0.9.dll" to the "Content Manager" folder and
rename it "OpenObex.dll".
Take care that openobex is used only under windows ME !
OpenObex is under the LGPL. Refer to the COPYING file in openobex
distribution for further information.
ABS/OpenObex is also under LGPL.
Xavier Benech (Ondim) for ABS (Alcatel Business Systems), 28/06/2002.
mail: benech@ondim.fr
In verschiedenen Unterverzeichnissen sind dann diverse Sourcefiles und TAR-Archive drin, aber wie schon gesagt - ich kann mit sowas nix anfangen. Kann es Dir aber gerne mal zur Ansicht zumailen.
Nützen Dir diese Infos irgendwas hinsichtlich der Einstufung, wie das Gerät sich mit anderen Betriebssystemen nutzen lassen würde?