neue SW t68 und t68i

  • SNOK / No Fear

    Danke an euch für die Info:top:

    Dann latsch ich halt nächste Woche nochmal hin, evtl. klappts ja dann.

    Hab zum Glück einen guten Servicepoint in Mannheim und die Jungs bemühen sich auch immer.

    Gruß Scheeby

  • Ist jemand an der Liste der Änderungen für R5A interessiert ?
    Ich könnte mittels Cut&Paste eine aus einer Newsgruppe anbieten.
    Ist aber ziemlich lang, deswergen frag ich zuerst besser.


  • Klaro!


    Ist jemand an der Liste der Änderungen für R5A interessiert ?

    Aber sicher! Hau rein, ich bin gespannt! :top:

    Ciao ;)

    Sir Robin | ICQ: 82506214 | PN | Derzeit mit Xperia X Compact und Xperia Tablet Z4 LTE unterwegs :)

  • OK, Teil 1 der Liste :

    Changes in software R5A

    5327 Problem: (None): Product development: user interface development.
    5328 Problem: (None): Product development, CXC125.168
    6005 Changes in Software Backplane (SWBP), the main interface to the phone
    software modules. May affect code administration in any high level software module.
    7217 A new interface to the serach functionality in phonebook.
    7232 Update of T68i product specific files.
    7340 Problem: none Improvement in 256-color screen drawing.
    7351 Phonebook development.
    7477 Update of T68i product specific files.
    7570 Phone book server development.
    7571 Phone book user interface development
    7770 The Phone Book will get new functionality for Application Platform R4
    7841 Searching the phone book from other applications has been corrected.
    8080 Implementation of positioning (E-OTD, GPS).
    8121 Add Support of WIM functionality on the SIM card
    8537 Problem: (None): xml module
    8551 Problem: Started to play tennis over IR stopped the game before it was
    finished, started a one player tennis game played for a while. Then I
    started a two player game again over IR and one of the MS started to
    dump. And The hour icon in the week view has ceased to function. It
    does not scroll when you go down. Solution: CR created for new
    development of GSM4 R3 functions
    8566 MMS application
    8603 The host SIM/guest SIM concept will be removed. A new concept with user
    initiated transfers between SIM and the phone is introduced.
    8604 The host SIM/guest SIM concept will be removed.
    8880 Implementation of Groups in User Interface.
    9023 The Add new alternative is disabled when searching for a group in PB.
    9041 Portability changes
    9057 Added posiibility to search for Unsaved Numbers in PB.
    9170 Changes to use contact positions instead of LUID's.
    9294 Update T68i software from R3
    9301 Hardcoded texts in phone book will be replaced with text labels as soon
    as the text labels are available.
    9341 XFormat SW Module development from R3 to R4
    9682 Update of the text database 80X101with new languages or missing or
    faulty menu texts.
    9773 Change in functionality: Make it easier to get to the phonebook, it is
    a correction that only affects the user interface.
    9925 Change header text for number search on SIM
    11981 Function ImageFontIsAnimationFile now public, i.e. extended range for
    function handling image animation.
    11986 Internal error.
    12120 The MIME parser checks if there are boundary tags in the data chunk,
    typically 180 bytes, which is received from the POP or IMAP4 server.
    When such a boundary tag is found, the MIME parser immediately goes to
    state GetHeader and starts to parse data after the boundary tag, without
    completing parsing data before the boundary tag. This data was thrown
    away. Changed so the check for boundary tags are delayed until the mime
    parser has started to parse body data. This way the headers and bodies
    are parsed correctly.
    12132 Check if pointer is NULL. Error messages are generated with
    giSetLastError(..) and A_(printf(..)).gifread.c imagefile.c and
    imagefont.c Check if pointer is NULL, if true generate an error message.
    12162 The phone crashes when adding a recipient through the phonebook
    12210 Internal change only.
    12263 Phone was dumping when reading a specific email.
    12313 Added new function for linking image font files
    12389 Maiking it possible to unmark an email for deletion if the user changes
    her mind after having marked it for deletion.
    12412 Internal design error
    12434 Overwrite merge from R2A052 to module branch. Release freeze needed for Fia
    12441 general development
    12457 Coding error
    12463 Addition of charsets: ISO 8859-5 (, Cyrillic) ISO 8859-10 (Iso latin 6,
    Nordic) Win1251 (Cyrillic mainly used in Russia) Win1252 (Windows latin
    I) KOI8-R (Cyrillic)
    12475 When there is only one message in inbox, the email client sent two
    requests for new mails to imap4 client and changed state to getbody. In
    this state, signals from imap4 client were lost which put email client
    in dead lock. When there was no messages in inbox, imap4 client received
    "bad" response from imap4 server. This response was not sent back to
    email client which made the UI hang in "receving mails" state.
    12600 A multi line smtp server HELO response was not handled correctly.
    12710 If a send session fails and the email is saved in the Drafts folder, it
    can be sent at next attempt.
    12736 Internal restructuring of code in PhoneBook, changed to the right
    include files. No changes in the functionality.
    12759 Email client now support both Private attribute and Send once attribute correctly.
    12761 When choosing priority, default value was always Normal Priority.
    12774 Internal change only.
    12941 Cleanup amongst the textlabels.
    13020 Add ICC Reader Interface API
    13030 Checking in T68i Textbase 80x101 PA14
    13074 Internal change only.
    13114 Wrong background selected if an GIF animtion is set
    13124 Overwrite merge for delivery to GSM4 R3A
    13136 Internal change only.
    13137 Internal change only.
    13152 If e client cannot find the SMTP server, the message "server not
    found" is displayed, but download of incoming messages still continues.
    A new text id "sending server not found" has now been added to make this
    case clearer.
    13155 A request is sent to delete a message from the IMAP4 server, but the
    mail is never deleted from the telephone.
    13167 Internal change only.
    13170 Addition of UIDL command.
    13175 Internal change only.
    13186 Remove packing from WIM_ByteArray_t
    13248 Internal change only.
    13254 Internal change only.
    13257 Replaced old InformationSound_t ending with _SOUND with a type ending with _SND
    13330 Added callback functions to speed up animation startup
    13346 Problem: Some imagefont functions did not return any state indicators
    or returned wrong indicator Solution: added errorcode handling
    13357 replaced free(sz) with gcFree(sz)
    13359 The GD_UserDefinedName variable is increased from 42 bytes to 72 bytes.
    The variable will be used in the future in connection with Bluetooth.
    13371 Coding errors in imap4 caused lockups or TAE dumps.
    13384 The wrong icons are shown for mails in inbox.
    13448 Two problems: - Sometimes the download of IMAP4 headers freezes. -
    Sometimes the mail bodies are empty. See the Task for more info.
    13473 The automatic checking of mails did not complete properly when using a
    IMAP4 protocol.
    13478 Changing the UI to only show how much that has been sent of the file,
    not a percantage.
    13522 Type errors corrected by using correct action parameters and by casting
    13529 Problems: Internal problem when compiling software code for the phones
    when compilation warings occur Solution: Cleaning up compilation
    warings i.e. writing cleaner code with same functions. I.e. no change in functionality
    13530 A MR which can be used when comments or documentation are added to the MMS code.
    13543 Clean up in use of signal ID. No functional change.
    13559 When recieving corrupt Delivery Report message was deleted...
    13586 Error in list delition. Internal error.
    13600 Owerwirte merge for creation of R5A_dev and R6A_dev
    13603 MR used for Overwrite merge.
    13611 With version R1A088 T68i s/w, if the user tried to start a chat session
    without a service centre number set then he/she would be prompted to
    enter a new service centre. If the user then cancelled with a previous
    action (short NO keypress) then the phone would hang. A code change is
    required in the messaging module to fix this so that the UI correctly
    returns to the previous menu without hanging.
    13619 See task.
    13620 A small coding error
    13622 Problem: None Solution: Creation of a new module revision for messaging
    in order to handle revisions. Due to that project changed state from
    development to type-approved software.
    13629 Per Ögren's new folder icons.
    13658 Internal only
    13659 Before downloading a MMS the name fields in the message is cleared to
    prevent duplication of names.
    13664 When shutting down DOWNLOAD to take care of SEND, the WAP request was not cancelled.
    13684 Body is empty for messages with no content type tag, which is quite
    common for newsletters.
    13731 Addresses in MMS are mapped onto the phonebook. A name in the phonebook
    will override the name in the MMS name database.
    13735 A small coding error when updating pagetime.
    13740 ImagefontAddimagetofont now reacts correct on returns from
    savebitmaptofile. Before, only IFS_ERROR (-1) was checked. >= 0 is more
    correct because error code can be any negative value
    13756 Now can the user of GET/POST interface decide if she/he wants to see
    the setup connection phase or not. You can now also decide which
    acceptcharacterset should be accepted. The user will also get the
    informtion about which character set that has been used to encode the content.
    13771 NonPersisten images in ImageFontAddImageToFont now returns true
    13785 When boxes are full the write new is grayed out. The auto delete option
    wasn't concidered.
    13807 Reading messages sometimes generates an empty body with a single "-more-".
    13808 Updated foldersearch to handle a more complicated mask. It's now
    possible to search for bits that are cleared as well as set.
    13811 When reading a text/html message, the UI hangs in state "Loading xxx...".
    13814 Fixes some errors previously occuring during autodownload.
    13815 Sending mail from camera without subject generates no error.
    13844 Using POP3 and having marked some mails for deletion, pressing up arrow
    in inbox causes the UI to freeze.
    13891 Changes for C++ compiler.
    13896 This MR is used for general work in R6 of Common Access Software.
    13912 When a IMAP4 server closes the connection, the IMAP4 client and email
    client doesn't disconnect properly. This has the effect that a datacall
    is left off hook for ever.
    13938 Writing a new email causes access violation.
    13954 Inbox not cleared when deleting default account
    13956 Message download is stopped when file system is full. After user has
    deleted the file he/she can try to download it again.
    13966 Added handling of multipart/alternative MMS to phone.
    13970 Sending contact via SMS makes the phone hang.
    13972 Added a little yes/no question when deleting.
    13986 Pressing No during "receiving mails" doesn't disconnect the connection.
    13992 Removed debug output when DEBUG_PRINT_ON is not defined.
    14013 A little fix when focusing objects
    14056 Telephone hangs when attempting to send mail with empty outgoing server.
    14061 Inbox unread and total counters do not match each other.
    14073 Pressing up arrow generates incorrect bottom unread counter.
    14077 Subject says it all. Note that I had problems checkning in ec_names.c
    and making Fido accept the file, therefore there are a few versions of
    this file with no changes.
    14094 ImageFontMissingCharOut created. gcCharOut will not try to call
    gcMissingCharOut for ImageFontRenderGlyph. ImageFontRenderGlyph will
    call an internal ImaegFontMissingCharOut.
    14099 To field and cc field not shown when reading and replying to mail, using IMAP4.
    14101 Focus on "Add new?" when adding email addresses.
    14120 Increase types in Dispatch to Uint32 from uin16
    14127 Add functions to count and remove the links to a file. Used from data
    browser to remove e.g. a standby background picture or contact picture
    link in settings when the corresponding file is deleted from the image browser.
    14138 Deleting object when fs full failed, special case.
    14146 When a long message is sent to the same number (loop-back), some parts
    of the message are duplicated and received as additional single short
    messages. For example, if a 6 part message is sent in loop-back, the MS
    receives both the message and usually the second part (short message) as
    a separate message. Although the problem was reproduced in loop-back
    mode, it is an indication that there is a problem with switching
    messages when all three Short Message Control processes are active. (Mor
    eprecisely where there is a SMS MO long session happening in parallel
    with a MT long session.
    14153 The copyright flag needs to be checked to see if the "Send as SMS"
    option is available in the menu.
    14178 Changed incoming maxsize to 50k.
    14179 Added an error message "WAP_CONTENT_ERR_CANCEL_ASK_IA" in order to
    provide a better feedback
    14215 Edit time updated even if no changes were made.
    14219 Incremented package size from 500 to 900.
    14240 Image decode interface for data browser
    14246 Improved handling of flags from imap4 server.
    14270 Internal change only
    14272 Overwrite merge from R3A027 to module
    14300 Downloading bodies using POP3 or IMAP4 causes the MS to dump.
    14323 Added support for rejected messages.
    14355 Local time + timezone in ReadReply
    14377 Don't delete objects if abort after retrieve, but before ACK response
    has been received.
    14428 Under certain conditions, phone doesn't disconnect after download of MMS.
    14447 TextIDs were not freed.
    14448 New icons for undecoded images
    14449 The message id:s for read message were saved at the top of the
    read/unread buffer and therefore the first to be removed when new
    messages were downloaded.
    14452 Sending CANCEL_EVENT back to client application.
    14454 The icon informing about attachments in an email is not present in the
    title bar as it should be.
    14471 Need to add a bit field to turn off the security check that ensures
    that a file is not opened in one preocess and then read in another
    process with the same filehandle.
    14482 Preparation for Release of T68i R2. The MR is used by modules when
    releasing modules to T68i R2.
    14495 Added information about the deleted files in delete mode in the databrowser
    14517 Sometimes MMS with multiple pages did not show pictures correctly. This
    is now fixed.
    14521 MMS conformance document does not allow other than US-ASCII in filenames
    14542 XFormat SW Module development for T300.
    14578 When adding email address from phonebook into an email, the name is corrupt.
    14606 Keep focus on renamed picture
    14642 SW Module development for the product.
    14661 Hide of scanlinebitmap for bpp < 8
    14685 Correcting the calculation of duration of objects on pages after page 1.
    14703 Forward message problems, corrupt images, message database full etc.
    14738 Internal ClearCase work, moved changes for T68i to new T68i/T300 branch
    14879 changes for compiler independency (i.e. ARM C++ for nova)
    14925 Internal change of API to browser functions.
    14926 Some standard functions behave diffently in AVR compared to ARM.
    14931 Problem: The phone's internal browser of files (images, sounds) had
    some dependency to its old versions Solution: Remove dependencies to the
    old browsers (image/sound) and change it to the databrowser that is the
    new way of handling images and sounds internally. No affect on siganling
    or SIM at all.
    14934 When fetching email, the german service required that a pop3
    login was completed before allowing smtp send. When the MS tried to
    make an smtp send before login to pop3, this caused the MS to reset.
    This is now corrected.
    14993 When pressing up arrow in inbox without account set up, you also need
    to press NO on a "Receiving..." message which is incorrect.
    14995 IMAP4: email client doesn't show priority of emails

  • Teil 2 :

    15014 New email option "Purge".
    15015 New option.
    15059 The SAT Location Status Download command now only sends the optional
    Location Information TLV when the Location Status field indicates 'Normal Service'
    15108 internal error
    15109 Cancel Defer before Retrieving
    15116 If the user dude deletes a message while it's being downloaded, the
    communication is gracefully shut down.
    15164 1. When syncing on a empty inbox on mail server, the inbox in the
    telephone isn't cleared. 2. When syncing on a empty inbox on mail
    server, the new mail icon in standby menu isn't cleared.
    15172 New function: SMTP authentication.
    15175 When interrupted, same SMS in Unsent folder.
    15244 The GPRS session isn't closed down when IMAP4 mail server time outs.
    15253 Support for full/simplified input alphabets.
    15281 Adding functionality for template downloading and saving of MMS
    messages as templates.
    15310 New function: possibility to add more than one attachment when creating
    new outgoing email message.
    15404 Internal error correction in Email Client and FSX.
    15451 internal error
    15487 internal error
    15489 midi icon and sound was missing when forwarding or editing
    15490 it was possible to include more than one midi file in one page
    15527 Merging E-OTD from Basingstoke
    15530 Some MMSCs answer to a notify response with a send.conf wich is wrong.
    We're not expecting an answer. This causes the data in the send.conf to
    get stuck in WAP and we are not able to send or receive another MMS
    after that. Added code to retreive data from wap even if we don't expecting any.
    15540 New UI functionality - edit title before adding URL bookmark to WAP.
    15541 New function implementation.
    15548 New functionality, new api used from WAP.
    15552 Implementation of new function SIM-lock IV. The function is actived
    with compiler switch SIMLOCK_V_4. If no switch is set the old SIM-lock
    III will be active.
    15600 Problem: No support for the tag "nowrap" in WAP. Solution: Hyperlinks
    that are placed in a paragraph with mode="nowrap" will not be line
    broken. They will be shown in the same way as texts with mode="nowrap".
    15640 The GSM/3GPP compression mechanism "81-prefix" can not be applied to
    abitrary UCS-2 text. The text conversion function for 81-prefix has the
    responsibility to recognise when the algorithm can not be applied, and
    return an error code so that the client can try another function, such
    as "82-prefix". Util_ConvertUCS2_ToUCS2_81prefix() in file tc_uconbs.c
    did not recognise this correctly.
    15648 Displaying erroneous feedback message when doing a purge without send&recv.
    15686 Improve GDFS for the GSM4 R3.2. Support for new flash device, does not
    impact other flash devices. Minor additions to make GDFS more fault
    tolerant to it's client. No change in services or fimplementation of services.
    15705 Problem: Cannot display Chinese PLMN name under Chinese MMI. Solution:
    Correction in the User Interface of UI Networks.
    15742 internal error
    15760 internal error
    15771 Correct type now used in function - see linked Task 16933
    15781 Added ack to MMSC after a corrupt message is received.
    15805 When the MS receives a Packet Uplink Assignment, Packet Downlink
    Assignment or a Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message from the network,
    frequency parameters are included to define the radio frequency
    channel(s) for the MS to use during the TBF. When indirect encoding is
    used, the network may include a Change Mark 1 and a Change Mark 2 so
    that the MS can verify that it is using the correct BCCH or PBCCH
    information for the decoding of the frequency information. The Change
    Mark handling is currently wrong and must be corrected.
    15814 internal error
    15823 internal error
    15825 Fix 2 SAT Event Download bugs - Device Identities incorrect (No Tasks)
    1. Download MT Call always had wrong device identity - now fixed 2.
    Download Call Disconnected sometimes had wrong device identity - now fixed
    15827 An RRLP Measure position request message which is repeated with a
    different reference number, aborts the ongoing measurement, and starts a
    new measurement. The abort was not being completely processed before the
    new measurement request. Fix is to delay processing request until abort is completed
    15838 interal error
    15873 Sending ack instead of notify.resp when transaction id present in retreive.conf.
    15883 Jpeg QVGA and QQVGA images are scaled to the desired size, as for VGA
    images. All other images are scaled with proportionally maintained.
    15935 Move call for DestroyGuiObj so that the new text in the text area is
    copied and sent to WAP before the dialog is destroyed.
    15951 New Stack delivery GWC 6.2 The following tasks are corrected: TR16241,
    TR17203, TR17025, TR17035, TR17131
    15989 The decision to not send filnemae on vObject was bad, because email
    systems require the extension to handle the object in the right way.
    15999 Not referenced functions in T300 are removed by excluding their
    implementations with a define. Prototype is left unaffected.
    GI_EXCLUDE_FROM_MIRA_FLASH_SAVE is defined in giConfig.h
    16002 Reduce code base size for T300.
    16018 Email Client should prompt for password att connect to mail server.
    Only happen when password in account settings is empty.
    16060 Too large files are not visible in the list when adding a sound into an
    MMS from now on.
    16069 Feedback says "Receiving mails" forever when pressing NO in inbox and
    have pressed up arrow to receive new mails, havin created an account
    with just an account name and no other account data.
    16082 + sign is lost in phone number when highlighting an international
    number in message body and send a SMS to that number.
    16094 No error message or indication that bookmark list is full when saving a bookmark.
    16182 Problem: When sending the at command AT*EAID (Ericsson Accessory Input
    Dialog) for Message box the timer was is over written. The problem is
    that the timer will be anything for 0 to 255. Solution: Changed so that
    the timer isn't over written.
    16206 After local sync, some memory was lost in the calendar process. This no
    longer occurs.
    16214 Addition of WAP provisioning to SIM
    16215 Problem: Modifications needed for supporting camera zoom function
    Solution: Added joystick support and User Interface Icons for camera zoom function
    16244 We have assumed that if value-length is present parameters will follow.
    This is not the case and support for that has been added.
    16261 Problem: More advanced mathematical functions needed to evaluate more
    complex variable substitutions in the display driver set-up file
    Solution: functions added, only affects the Graphical interface
    16262 Make a reply and add anattachment, send reply and then make a second
    reply to a differnet mail and the attechment from previous mail reply is
    still there.
    16283 MMS MMI improvements according to document 2/102 62-1/FCP 101 1878/2
    Uen PA1 MMS User Interface Enhancements, T68i Maintenance SEM/GUN/NB
    16308 The Mime type for downloadable games have been changed from text/game
    .game to application/vnd.mophun.application .mpn
    application/vnd.mophun.certificate .mpc
    16326 Wrong icon was shown when midifiles were added to an mms. The new icon
    is now in place.
    16327 Reject PDU is now sent when user selects reject.
    16378 The additional information "browser unavailable" for a SAT launch
    browser error is not being passed correctly to the SIM. This is due to
    an omission in the code that interprets the additional information
    before packaging it up into a trerminal response in simtool2.c
    16380 The SAT SWBP has no provision in the requester for downloading the call
    connected event to send the information about near/far end connection.
    16386 When connection fails, kill underlying "Receiving mails..." message.
    16390 When user interrupts header or body download when using POP3, the GPRS
    or CSD connection is not closed. This happens when using IMAP4.
    16397 The correct implementation according to the specifications based on the
    3GPP standard would be to have one parameter with att DTMF tones with in
    quotes. Nokia and Motorola has a different solution. SEM want's the
    EMP implemenation of the commands to be compatible with both 3GPP and
    Nokia and Motorola at the same time. This is a new functionality and
    not a correction of a fault.
    16406 The message "mail account no set up" doesn't disappear when pressing No
    once. You need to press twice.
    16419 The phone hanged when pressing the Bluetooth headset button while in
    the Bluetooth menu.
    16461 MS hangs when loading file
    16470 Support for application/vnd.3GPP.sms has been added.
    16471 Support for WAP forum's new DRM media type
    application/vnd.wap.drm.message has been added.
    16472 The help texts in the main email menu should be removed in the T300 project.
    16485 Changed parameter in global data to adress echo problem in HBH-30(fr 64 to 128)
    16498 Userprompt wasn't working with MIDI.
    16499 Subject was mandatory when composing new mails.
    16500 internal error
    16522 Corrected: Divert always is cancelled by MS at power on when the SIM
    has been put in to another phone than the one where the divert always
    was initiated. This has only been seen on Orange and one2one SIM-cards.
    16523 When sending message fails, the attachment info has been deleted.
    16530 In a new telephone from manufacturing, if the first calendar item added
    is a task, it will not be shown in the telephone. This no longer occurs.
    16543 A bugfix in the positioning algorithm requires new patches to be
    downloaded to the DSP for both SDCCH and TCH modes. This download is
    done by the SED code. In SDCCH mode, the old patch "patchToaEstDsp.h"
    is updated to including the new fixing. In TCH mode, new patch files are
    created, which are "patchShiftTch.h" and "patchShiftTchEntry.h". Other
    previous patch should be downloaded as before.
    16548 internal error.
    16563 MS hangs when loading file
    16612 The option to save the number as a faxnumber, pagernumber or "other"
    number can now be available or removed using a switch. Problem: Receive
    a MMS message with a phone number thats not in the phone book. Try to
    save the phone number as the fax number in an old contact by using "Add
    to old" . A text feedback will appeare saying "Memory full". Solution:
    16615 Problem: If receive an MMS and the number it was sent from isn´t in the
    phonebook you can save it by sellecting "Add contact" in the MMS. If you
    dont write a name to the contact and try to save it anyway you won´t get
    a failure text feedback. Solution: Name field is now checked when
    saving number from mms. If no name is entered a textfeedback is shown
    and you return to the name entering page. User Interface
    16643 Problem: The phone starts if you press "No" for a short while. The time
    should be longer than short "No" but not longer than long "No". If you
    do it right the phone starts and you can notice that there is no start
    up sound. This is because the phone belives it was an external call
    (By cable f.ex). Solution: Differentiate the differens so you can´t
    simulate an external turn on with a short "NO" press. Type: User interface
    16689 Problem: Operators need to send hi-res pictures taken with the MCA-30
    camera with MMS. Solution: New setting MMS/Options/Content warning
    {on, off} Set to on => Sending a hi-res picture will display a warning
    which informs the user that the recipient might experience problem with
    viewing the picture. Also, creating messages larger than 30KB will
    display a warning. Set to off => Possible to send any hi-res pictures
    and large messages (> 30KB) without any warnings.
    16696 Problem: Cant send hi-res pictures taken with the Gustav camera with
    MMS. Solution: Camera supports sending 320x240 and 640x480 images with
    MMS insted of only 80x60 and 160x120. The user picture size selection
    is the size that is send with MMS.
    16709 Problem: When using the POP protocol all headers are received and
    readable, but when IMAP is used it doesn't work properly. The phone
    connects to the server and reports that mail is received, but no headers
    are received. When using IMAP4 on, headers were not downloaded,
    subjects were all empty and size of mails were all 192 kB. Solution:
    When downloading a list of messages from the server, the message UID has
    to be read. This is a 32 bit number. IMAP4 could only handle a 16-bit
    number. Noe it can handle a 32-bit number.
    16743 The phonebook menu structure has been changed and the shortcuts to the
    phonebook are now redirected to the SIM instead. This applies only
    when a Telefonica or US operator SIM is used.
    16727 If voice is connected towards the end of the measurement period, the
    DSP is reset, and SED is restarted. The measurement cycle is then
    restarted until the end of the measurement period. However, no time is
    now left to make enough measurements, and no results are reported. The
    solution is to determine how much measurement time is remianing and
    either restart measurements or report the measurements obtained so far.
    16752 Problem: Empty option window is shown when creating mail from Themes or
    Pictures menu. Solution: All option alternatives were set as not
    visible when sending mail in thi problem. The option menu has now been
    blocked out in this situation and will work as expected.
    16760 Changes required by WAP in T68i R4
    16762 Email address is not included in the vCard object when sending a
    contact via SMS.
    16764 Problem: For the operators in the US that do not use the third MNC
    digit (broadcast set to 'F'), the F is not ignored so the EFpnn alpha
    tags are NOT being displayed. Solution: F is ignored and EFpnn alpha
    tags are displayed.
    16770 If GMM runs out of retransmissions during a combined Routing Area
    Update procedure, MM will perform location update. When GMM re-initiates
    the combined RAU procedure later on it should indicate "IMSI attach" in
    the RAU type.
    16796 Whenever SMR entity receives release indication with one of the
    following causes (Paging, Message Not compatible with Protocol State, No
    cause) it immediately attempts to re-send the MO message. This might
    present the problem for the LMU network node (positioning) in certain
    circumstances (timing related). It is therefore needed to introduce a
    timer in SMR entity in order to delay the re-transmission.
    16797 Problem: If the MT call event is part of the current event list and MS
    receive a MT call the last digit in the Calling Party number is missing
    in the envelope sent to SIM. Solution: Phone number length is now
    correct in the envelope.
    16798 Problem: The Read Reply in MMS does not contain daylight saving
    parameter Solution: The daylight saving time parameter is added to the GMT time
    16809 Problem: XML parser is not supporting utf-16 (iso-10646-ucs-2) or
    iso-8859-1 Solution: Improved support of UCS2
    16833 Problem: When composing email and fetching email address from
    phonebook, a long email address longer than 40 characters was truncated
    to 40 characters. (Phonebook accepts email addresses up to 50
    characters). Solution: Added support for 50 characters
    16862 Problem: Functionality with tight scope is needed to less restrictive
    (needed to make image rendering more efficient). Solution: Function
    prototypes changed to non-static to allow broader access (needed to make
    image rendering more efficient).
    16895 Changed internal volume for RawHz system sound "notification".
    16896 Problem: When sending a vCard via SMS 19 times, the phone dumps
    Solution: Memory leak when sending vCard via SMS.
    16910 When choosing to call a number embedded in an SMS, the user should be
    able to edit the number before calling it.
    16916 Remote sync (SyncML) can not handle contacts that include pictures.
    16918 Problem: The phone crashed when an attempt to send pictures via e-mail
    was made. Solution: Necessary changes in SMTP handling was made to correct bug.
    16920 The following networks have been updated (Abbreviated Country Code,
    Short Name): CAM Orange I vodafone IT INA CELFORCE
    RUS TELE2 SGP SingTel-G9 SGP SingTel-G18 TJK MLT ZM
    CELTEL AN APUA-PCS Abbr.CC MCC MNC Short name Long
    name Show Abbr.CC Type of network Comment CAM 624 02
    Orange Orange CAM Yes GSM900
    Modify, Name I 222 10 vodafone IT vodafone
    IT No GSM900/1800 Modify, Name, remove
    GSM900 New RUS 250 20 TELE2
    TELE2 No GSM1800
    New SGP 525 01 SingTel-G9 SingTel-G9 No
    GSM900 Modify, Name, remove Abbrv.CC SGP
    525 02 SingTel-G18 SingTel-G18 No
    GSM1800 Modify, Name TJK 436 03 MLT
    TJK MLT Yes GSM900/1800 New
    ZM 645 01 CELTEL ZM CELTEL Yes
    GSM900 Modify, Name AN 344 03
    16930 Modified SIM module code to correct Terminal Response error when Call
    Control has been active.
    16936 Problem: There is a possibility that other operations may interfere and
    misplace the cliprectangles, causing the current graphical context to
    overwrite memory. Solution: The clip rectangle in a graphics context
    should be set in HW prior to its use. Otherwise there is a possibility
    that other operations may interfere and misplace the cliprectangle.
    16939 L1 places the burst data into the RXIF temporary buffer #4 in IRAM.
    This area is then used directly by the SED to transfer the data down to
    the DSP. The problem is that the neighbour cell power measurements have
    not been disablesd to the upper 33 samples are over-written. This
    effects bursts with half window sizes greater then 19. SED requires
    modification so that the burst data is copied out of the RXIF bufer into
    the local DSP buffer. This is done in the function EOTD_FormatDspDlBurstData()
    16951 Problem: Automatic e-mail polling stopped working after a period of
    time. It was identified to stop when the email client could not log on
    the email server because of incorrect username/password. Solution: Fixed
    e-mail connection problem in e-mail connection manager.
    16954 Added compiling switch to enable new WAP handling in SB. SB_MIA_R4.
    16956 Problem: Need for additional support in CSS. Solution: Extended support
    for Cascading Style Sheets was added.
    16961 Problem: Operator Name should appear above Service Provider Name.
    Solution: The 'Operator Name Support' field has been moved in standby
    layout. It is now above the 'Service Provider Name' field
    16962 Following IOT at Dallas, and discussions with Cambridge Positioning
    Systems. The format of the assistance data from the SMLC is not optimal.
    Therefore, filtering of the assistance data to remove some repeated
    cells. And adjustment of the burst acquistion algorithm leads to
    improved measurement results.
    16963 Checking in T68i textbase 80x101 PA50
    16984 Phone dumps when adding vCard from MMS to the Phone Book.
    16990 If cells are defined by toplist information only, the last cell in the
    toplist is not measured.

  • Und noch Teil 3 :

    17007 Change GW number and bookmarks for Moses to the new IP-numbers.
    17008 Problem: Mobile crashed when loading many images or reloading images
    several times. Solution: Added checks to be able to notice when no more
    memory is available.
    17011 The assistance data from the SMLC may contain multiple sectors of the
    serving cell. It is desirable not to measure these as they add no value
    to the measurement.
    17015 This MR is intended for overwrite merges to the r5_dev branch. The
    r5_dev branch is created for maintenance release 1 of the T68i R3
    product (maintenance on R3A00X, directed to AT&T). One of the variants
    in this product configuration is also intended as a maintenance for T68i
    R2, maintenance release 3.
    17018 All DO commands are checked to verify that they are sent without parameters.
    17020 Duplicate the push inbox entry to the multimedia menu. Technically a
    shortcut to the push inbox. Add code to messaging to enable clear of
    push inbox and push settings.
    17039 E2E session donot longer hang the phone .
    17044 Previously the MS was restarted after a parameter update. All processes
    are now stalled briefly, at startup, until the parameters has been
    updated and the parameter version number (Flash Counter) has been incremented.
    17052 Problem: DTMF tones hang when IMEI is displayed during call. Solution:
    Shortened the DTMF tone when IMEI is displayed during a call.
    17055 A small fix improving performance in the SMS sent and unsent folders.
    17059 New stack delivery 6.6 Corrected the following TR's TR18413 TR16635
    17067 Polling PDA in DRX Loopback EFR
    17080 Implemented the new adaptors MMIa_newDiv and MMIa_closeDiv. Before
    <div> tags were sent with the adaptor function MMIa_newElement. It was
    changed in GWC 6.6.
    17097 Problem: When reading bitmapversion, five bytes was placed in a four
    byte long string. This sometimes causes the stack to be ovevrwritten and
    in some cases the incoming filehandle could be altered causing too many
    open files. Solution: Increasing the string size to five to ensure that
    no data is overwritten. No functionality in the phone affected.
    17098 GWC Patch and correcting TR 10847 and 10848 (SEM
    TR18752 and TR 18785).
    17099 If an SMS with TON = 5, alphanumeric, no phonebook matching should be made.
    17102 Templates with 1000 chars texts got corrupted in parser.
    17103 1000 chars texts get corrupted when saving template from message.
    17126 If more than 10 cells are reported, cells 11 to 15 are reported in the
    measurement extension element. This is a change from RRLP8.4.0 to 8.5.0
    17127 Due to the DSP hardware restriction that only seven cells can be
    measured at one time. If more than 7 are required, these have to be
    performed in a second set of measurements. The two sets are then
    reported as one measure position response.
    17131 Wrong sound is played when ciphering switched off is displayed.
    17140 Remove ifdef:s for IHTML around code that are used by CSS also.
    17146 Error msg when forwarding MMS>30k in software allowing "unlimited" mms messages
    17147 Fixed focus problem when an access key is used to select a radio
    button, which is already selected. The look of focused radio buttons and
    check boxes has also been changed. Instead of highlighting them a frame
    around the object is drawn.
    17148 Added a new function: MMS_Image_IsToLarge The previous solution when
    checking the image file filter did not work since the image is concerned
    valid. The function MMS_IsValidImage does not have a size check. Size
    check can not be added in the function - would destroy functionality elsewhere
    17151 New requirement from the operator AT&T. Disable the possibility to
    save pictures from a WML page. Default should be to have the possibility
    to save picture!!!
    17152 Wrong focus after regret on adding text object in MMS mesage. Separator
    was focused instead of the "add icon".
    17157 Some times it's not possible to terminate the calling dialogue when
    making a MO call. The GUI "Calling..." hangs and can not be destroyed
    by pressing "NO" button.
    17161 Compose an email and exit immediately => empty draft is incorrectly saved.
    17162 internal error
    17163 internal error
    17165 When download of header or body was interrupted by the user, the imap4
    server could still hold the connection even if the phone had disconnected.
    17167 internal error
    17175 MMS inbox controls NewMMS icon. Needed for SMSoverMMS after confirmed
    download of MMS, when the NewMMS icon remains activated even though no
    MMS is left in the inbox.
    17176 In the MMS standard there is, yet, no way to tell the MMSC that the
    retrieved MMS was not correctly encoded. By not sending the NotifyResp
    or Ack if coding error, we indicate to the MMSC that the MMS was corrupt
    and that there is a chance to review, change the MMS and resend the notification.
    17185 Correction of bugs in CSS handling: Inheritance of color in
    optionlists Corrected bolder/lighter handling in font-weight Corrected
    smaller/larger, large, small, medium in font-size Added support for CSS
    in the form tag Added support for CSS in the code tag Corrected
    colorhandling for buttons
    17190 OBEX did not allowed more than 63 repeatable connectiontries, this has
    now been fixed.
    17191 The Gustav camera hangs because no speed up implementation error.
    17207 When MS memory allocated for SMS storage is filled and then freed, it
    is still not possible to send another SMS without turning the MS off and
    on again. The problem has been reproduced on R3A018 ONCE only, while all
    the consecutive attempts to reproduce it failed. However, a potential
    problem in SMR that can cause this behaviour in certain circumstances
    (smr.c) was discovered and will be fixed with this MR.
    17209 MMS hangs when send.conf is coded wrong.
    17217 Corrected arithmetic operations on uint32s in smil codec.
    17218 The sound is never being stopped and the request then returns the
    length of how long the sound has been played, instead of the total
    length of the sound. The sound browser is supposed to stop the playing
    of the sound. A workaround has been added, MMS makes a request to make
    the playing stop.
    17219 Message list gui stored in separate variable
    17226 When an MMS is selected to be downloaded whilst the user has an ongoing
    WAP session will now MMS receive a new errorcode. The error code
    indicate that WAP is busy. This errocase will only appear if MMS will
    use another WAP profile than the ongoing WAP session has.
    17227 Make sure that the correct default values are shown in text inputs.
    This has worked before but were lost during the merge of CSS functionality.
    17231 ifdef added around MMS_FileSystemErrorMessage(this_p).
    17233 ImageFilter had accidentily been but inside defined and was not being
    runned when necessary
    17237 If a WAP session different from the one used by MMS is already set up
    when MMS tries to send or retrieve a message, the user is informed about it.
    17247 Allowing user to select "unsaved number" and "SIM entry" when
    specifying an MMS recipient.
    17248 Radio buttons and check boxes with an access key were not properly
    rendered when the alignment was set to center or right. The access key
    was drawn on top of the button/box instead of in front of. I have also
    changed so that the next object will be drawn on the next row when
    alignment != left.
    17259 *req4* The operator Oniway requests a customized solution regarding
    display of operator name
    17263 Line breaks and characters that follow the first line break are removed
    from marquee texts. The line break(s) caused rendering problems for
    alternate and slide.
    17282 It the user received a call during a STK session it was not possible
    after the call to access the STK menus.
    17311 Spaces that should be rendered at the end of a row have previously been
    rendered at the start of the next row. This has resulted in unexpected
    empty rows. Text objects that only consists of a space character and
    should be rendered at the end of a row will be removed.
    17313 Add support for specifying the width of <hr /> elements in pixels.
    17318 The following networks have been updated (Abbreviated Country Code,
    Short Name): EGY, Egy Vodafone MT, vodafone MT NL, vodafone NL
    RUS, MegaFon RUS Abbr.CC MCC MNC Short name Long name
    Show Abbr.CC Type of network Comment EGY 602 02 EGY
    Vodafone VODAFONE Yes GSM900
    Modify, Name MT 278 01 vodafone MT
    vodafone MT No GSM900 Modify, Name
    NL 204 04 vodafone NL vodafone NL
    No GSM900/1800 Modify, Name, remove Abbrv.CC RUS
    250 02 MegaFon RUS Megafon RUS No
    GSM900 Modify, Name, remove Abbrv.CC
    17319 Returning from SIM entries lookup subroutine if no entries are available.
    17329 GWC Patch correcting AU TR SEM Task 10865 18882 10881
    19000 10879 18867 10866 18884
    17346 The slide text should be visible during the 1 second pause. Before the
    text was removed (like Internet Explorer does).
    17349 Improvements from Dallas IOT. If voice is connected during first
    measurement set, timing correction is applied before the measurements are restarted.
    17357 GWC Patch correcting: AU TR SEM Task 10902 19183
    17360 To be sure that the custimizing timestamp are saved in flash we are
    trying to save it several times if we failed.
    17368 Problem: Test case found in "GSM 11.10-4 SIM Application
    Toolkit conformance specification" failed during test. All menus was
    shown correctly but it was not possible to turn the phone off in a
    normal way at the end of the test. After the test the phone was in a
    state where all key presses were ignored. After correction this error
    has been removed. Solution: The User Interface were in an "deadlock"
    situation were the keypresses were not handled by the application.
    Changing the User interface focus to show stand-by-screen and to be able
    to retrive key-presses in this situation solved this problem.
    17378 Enabling TAR and palette when MMS UI enhancements is enabled.
    17393 Unknown charset resulted in "No free space" being displayed. Now we
    accept unknown charset and treat it as ASCII, because it is annoying to
    find that texts are missing just because some server hasn't specified
    the charset correctly.
    17399 Access keys for links and text inputs were not drawn with the right colour.
    17401 Remove one of the two access keys shown for images with alternative text.
    17404 Test PLAY TONE (GSM11.10-4) failed during test. The following
    is taken from GSM11.14 "If the ME is in, or is setting up a speech call,
    it shall superimpose the tone on top of the downlink audio (if any), for
    the duration given in the command. The progress or current state of the
    call shall not be affected in any way. The ME shall send the TERMINAL
    RESPONSE (Command performed successfully) as soon as possible after the
    tone has been completed and, if an alpha identifier was included and
    displayed, the screen is available for subsequent information display."
    Before correction the ME did not send TERMINAL RESPONSE (Command
    performed successfully) when it was setting up a speech call. Instead
    TERMINAL RESPONSE (Command beyond ME's capabilities) was sent.
    17406 pcm_otd.c was modified to ensure that during single set operation,
    there is no discrepancy between the values of
    NumberOfCellsMeasuredInSetOne and NumberOfCellsMeasured.
    17416 internal error
    17417 In Phone Book / Options / Manage SIM / Add to SIM or Edit on SIM, to
    add or edit a phone book which contained both 8 bit Latin and 16 bit
    UCS2 character, in some case the phone will not use the UCS2 header "80".
    17426 Default colour for hyperlinks are taken from theme setting
    BrowserUnderline (which in most cases is blue). Links and their
    underline will have the same colour. Previously the link text used the
    Text colour specified in the theme and the underline used the
    BrowserUnderline colour. Text input is also affected. It will use the
    Text colour for both the text and the underline. Before it used
    BrowserUnderline colour for the underline.
    17427 Add support for removing underline for hyperlinks.
    17432 The backgroundcolor was removed when the background color (in a
    stylesheet) was set to transparent.
    17434 This functinality fetches the user response about if he/she wants to
    setup a connection with a Secondary Internet Account if the first
    connection failed (Prefered IA). If the answer is yes the connection
    will be perfomed, otherways a error message shows. The WAP profile can
    also be configured if the question will apperar before trying to use the
    secondary IA.
    17443 Remove space that results in an unexpected empty row.
    17444 To comply with possible compiler upgrade minor change in code had to be done.
    17445 Changes in UI to the filter in "My Pictures" used when sending via MMS.
    If the conformance warning is activated the user should be able to send
    hi-res images as well. This filter is modified.
    17452 Checking in PA52, Operator request to send hi-res pictures taken with
    the MCA 20 camera with MMS.
    17460 Extra space infront of a link removed. The error occured when a form
    was placed inside a paragraph (ihtml error)
    17464 XHTML: application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml not accepted.
    17468 Before changes italic font could not be displayed in WAP browser Have
    added support for italic font in WAP browser.
    17473 The browser ignored all elements inside a table caption.
    17480 An error occurred for test case
    ("ProcessUnstructuredSS-request/cross phase compatibility and error
    handling"). It worked ok for GSM 900, but failed for PCS 1900. The
    error was related to that when the MS was supposed to resend the message
    with protocol version specifier 1 instead of 2, this functionality was
    not implemented for PCS 1900, only for GSM 900/DCS 1800. In PCS 1900, an
    error was assumed and the USSD operation was aborted. Now, the protocol
    version change is implemented for both modes.
    17486 The browser added an extra row after a table in a list
    17487 Greek operator QTelecom wants a customized behaviour of SPN/network
    display when a QTelecom SIM-ed phone roams in Vodafone Greece's network.
    The phone should display both SPN and network.
    17490 GWC patch no support for content type parameters
    17503 DRM forward lock support added. Possibility to lock downloaded file to the phone
    17513 The text on every WML page was underlined
    17523 A random color was set when 'inherit' was used. e.g. input {
    background-color: inherit}
    17532 Activated WAP multi bearer selection
    17537 Change DRM mime type according to new standards proposal
    17538 Copy EOTD burst data out of IRAM on reception of EOTD_BURST_DATA_REQ
    17555 Since Bopomofo is a local Taiwanese input method it should not be
    available (or visible) in China and Hong-Kong. However it has to be
    available in Taiwan. This means that the Hong_Kong_Taiwain variant (in
    the product) need to be splitted into one Hong_Kong variant and one
    Taiwan variant. Default input methods should also be changed according
    to instruction below. The following rules should be followed according
    to Louise Ernmark and Ec Ang: China cxc125278.a01 Language:
    languages: Stroke, Pinyin Default input language: Pinyin Hong_Kong
    cxc125387.a01 Language: ENGLISH,TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Default language:
    TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Input languages: Stroke, Pinyin Default input
    language: Stroke Taiwan Language: ENGLISH,TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Default
    language: TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Input languages: Stroke, Bopomofo Default
    input language : Bopomofo
    17568 T68i project has requested a update for MIME that will not be used by
    T300 project. Therefore we do this change on the module branch.
    17569 Browser: An extra row appeared after lists
    17571 Improved forward lock patch. Handles byte-coded contenttype and
    numreric parameter values
    17594 The WAP UA string and the UA profile URL are changed since the new
    functions CSS and DRM (light) are added.
    17595 Animation of border around selected objects in MMS was active even when
    that page was not in focus, which caused recording of sound to not work
    properly. Now animations are only updated if they are in focus.
    17600 The Cell ID for the serving is not updated by MPH when in dedicated
    mode, so when this is reported as the Cell ID of the reference cell in
    the RRLP measure position response it may be incorrect. Changing MPH at
    this stage could trigger numerous type-approval tests so the fix is
    proposed for the Positioning Core module instead. As this element is
    optional in the RRLP message it can be omitted and the SMLC is
    instructed by TS 04.31 to use the serving cell as the reference cell.
    17601 When the Expected OTD and Expected OTD Uncertainty are not present in
    the RRLP Measure Position Request, default values of these should be set
    as Expected OTD = Rough RTD and Expected OTD Uncertainty = 7, to ensure
    the correct calculation in fn
    OTD_Calculate_Assistance_NeighbourCell_Timing() of the radio start time
    used for burst acquisition.
    17602 As the performance of the E-OTD multipath reduction algorithm is not
    very good with a limited number of bursts, it is though best for this
    only to be used when the SMLC indicates a "bad" multipath environment in
    the RRLP measure position request.
    17606 T9 user dictionary failes to save words although it says so.
    17610 Change timings according to R v d Winkels rekomendations when writing
    to TAE flash
    17614 added new DRM forward lock file extension, DM in HEAD_extensions list.
    17626 Operator in Brazil want MS to have possibility to use local emergency
    number 190 when MS is camped on Brazilian network, eg MCC 724. This will
    work when either there are no SIM (or no valid SIM) or if the MS is
    camped on a network with MCC 724.
    17655 After analysis using lint of the Positioning core module it was found
    that some data was being truncated due to incorrect casting. This was
    the worst error ; however some corrections were done to improve semantics
    17661 MS locks up if 0 cells are measured when doing a measure position request
    17698 Overwrite merge
    17699 T68i overwrite merge
    17703 The following networks have been updated (Abbreviated Country Code,
    Short Name): AL vodafone AL AUS Telstra BGD GP GR
    vodafone GR INA AirTel INA IDEA LAO TANGO P
    vodafone P RUS INDIGO STP CSTmovel SYR SyriaTel UK
    17708 If the MMS application has been launched by an external application,
    e.g. sending an image from the data browser, notify the calling client
    if it terminates due to filesystem being full.
    17736 No text feedback when downloading of DRM Forward Lockfile with wrong
    content type
    17750 Added the requested mime types.
    17760 Functions added to support "Send as SMS" from imagebrowser.
    17762 Add functionality to support sending object via EMS.
    17770 When we clean up our GDFS area we perform ClearDir which makes the
    template folder empty. We shall also perform a check for predefined MM
    at Master Reset and put them in the Inbox folder.
    17772 All text on the page below an <em> tag was in italic. This is now
    corrected, only the text between <em> </em> will be in italic.
    17773 Added possibility to handle EMS animations from "My Pictures". The
    animations is now shown and can be sent with EMS from the optionlist
    17776 When E-OTD assistance data is available the neighbour cells which are
    also present in the MS toplist should be preferentially selected for measurement.
    17777 OTD_Validate_Toplist removes Neighbour Cells with a Cell ID of zero.
    Zero is a valid Cell ID.
    17779 New Stack delivery GWC 6.6.1 correcting: TR12993 - E2E: wrong handling
    when refresh of page TR642/17092 - WTLS: Data call never disconnected
    TR18413 - XHTML: application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml not accepted TR18752 -
    Dump on page with & character in style. TR18785 - Wrong end tag for
    <style> dumps the phone. TR 18882 - CSS: Font shorthand + class does not
    work with paragraphs TR 18884 - CSS: Accesskey with comma list is not
    assigned TR18954 - CSS: MS can not handle imported CSS encoded in UCS-2
    (REQ4) TR 18776 - Not able to continue WAP session after time out
    TR18867 - Font-weight is not set on <H1> TR881/TR 19000 - CSS: The alt
    text color is not set on images TR902/ 19183 - Error in GWC when the
    IHTML switch is turned off. CR959/TR 19437 - DRM: No supprt for
    receiving content type parameters
    17780 GWC patch Correcting: TR19025 - *req4* T68I R3 Accesskeys "*"
    and "#" doesn't work TR19685 - *req4* IHTML: Center tag is not centered
    TR19686 - *req4* IHTML: div align is ignored
    17786 GWC patch Correcting: TR18955 - CSS: Backward slash not
    handled in URL
    17801 overwrite merge ITA freeze for T68i
    17802 release freeze for T68i, overwrite merge
    17808 An error in paragraphhandling made all content below a fieldset look wrong
    17811 It is now possible to choose if the phonebook shortcuts should go to
    phone PB or SIM PB (when SIM PB is active). As before, this is
    controlled by PLMN (either operator or country code).
    17820 The message list was not updated after the message option list was closing down.
    17834 New GWC patches and correcting the following tasks:
    TR18865 - CSS: Text-align is not inherited TR19388 - IHTML/CSS: Extra
    line added before image TR19078 - CSS: Colours given in RGB percentages
    does not match the RGB values
    17837 CSS display:none made texts scroll to the left
    17847 The Send menu alternative sends the message directly. In the case of
    that no recipients have been specified, the send form is displayed,
    which allows the user to specify one or more recipients - and also add
    an attachment. The problem is that the message body has not been loaded
    which allows attachments to be added. Simply disabling the send menu
    alternative if no recipients have been added. In the case that the user
    would like to add attachments, the user can select "Edit & Send".
    17857 New patch GWC Correcting: TR19066: CSS: 20 properties set on
    element level is not handled correctly corrected
    17866 Add state in MMS decoder to for unknown textual header values.
    17881 New patches GWC,, and correcting: TR
    18354 - CSS: The CSS info is lost when a page is reloaded. TR 19691-
    CSS: Problems with importing lots of stylesheets TR 19766 - CSS style
    ignored for tablecaption TR 19510 - CSS: Ihtml, wrong radiobutton checked.
    17889 Before changes there were impossible to add one blank line between
    tables. Now it is possible to add blank line between tables.
    17891 The file is still possible to send when the file is forward locked and
    downloaded through a script. The filename used is the one of the link
    and not the one defined in the DRM message.
    17900 All CSS data was ignored at the tablecaption.
    17927 New GWC patches:,, and correcting:
    TR18957 CSS: MS can not handle style sheet with 2 @charset rules TR19886
    IHTML: Lots of squares are painted all over the page
    17929 Prevent the crash by preventing uninitiated cards to be shown.
    17935 Timestamp of sent email is inaccurate when summertime is used.
    17951 Add support for wap-input-format for the text area object.
    17484 If the user browses with a secondary Internet Account (because the
    primary account was not available) and then tries to download some
    content (I.e themes), the downloading will now also use the secondary
    Internet Account. Previously, the MS tried to connect to the primary account.
    17945 When loading of large content failed, after MS returned to wap menu
    loading, direct links to content failed. This applied for all direkt
    links, melodies, images, themes etc in this situation. This is now corrected.

  • Hui, Hut ab!

    Da hab ich ja erstmal was zu lesen! ;)

    Danke! :top:

    EDIT: Ich schreibe jetzt hier mal immer rein, zu welchen Punkten ich Fragen habe: :D

    #8551: Tennis?? :confused:

    Klingt interessant, isses aber nicht.

  • Wow!

    Also DAS ist mal ne Liste...wahnsinn! Da brauch ich noch nen halben Tag um mich durchzuarbeiten! :D

    Vielen Dank! :top:

    Ciao ;)

    Sir Robin | ICQ: 82506214 | PN | Derzeit mit Xperia X Compact und Xperia Tablet Z4 LTE unterwegs :)

  • 13629 Per Ögren's new folder icons.

    Wie mögen die wohl aussehen? :)

    15172 New function: SMTP authentication.

    Find ich super, mein Provider stellt nämlich gerade seine Server auf SMTP Auth um. :top:

  • Zum größten Teil Bug-fixes und Anpassung an einen neuen Compiler, Vorbereitung der T300-Software ...
    Alles in allem aber eine respektable Leistung - da weiß man warum man ein Sony ///-Produkt gekauft hat - eine solch' detaillierte Auflistung der Änderungen gibt es wohl bei keiner anderen Marke :)

    Jetzt gibt es offiziell SMTP-Authentifizierung und die Leute die vorher herumgeschrien und gesagt haben, das Siemens S45i sei in dieser Hinsicht ja VIIIEEEL besser mögen endlich schweigen :)

    Das mit dem Tennis versteh' ich allerdings auch nicht?! Die werden doch nicht Tennis eingebaut haben? Oder bezieht sich diese Aussage auf das T300???

    -> Tristan @ Work <-

Jetzt mitmachen!

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