Float hat eine schöne Freeware veröffentlicht.
Ich erlaube mir mal die Features auf Enlisch zu posten:
- SMS sending, receiving, Archive, Manage
- Upload File to phone
- SIM Phonebook editing
- Read-only hierarchical phonebook (only numbers are available, other information such as Company name seems only available in OBEX form
- Outgoing call initiate/hang-up and status monitoring
- Incoming call control and monitoring
- Active/Dynamic menu support
- Keypad monitoring to detect key sequence for remote control
- Active scripting support (VBScript and JScript, other add-on available)
- Multiple SMS recipients, just drag more numbers to the “To” box, or type it in semi column separated, No Group supports yet.
- Power and RSSI monitoring
Die T68, T39 u.a. sollten ohne Probleme damit Klarkommen.