hier ist der link zum MusicMoto MS350. Mir war es zumindest bis gerade nicht bekannt. Euch?
Hier noch die englische Beschreibung von Engaget.com:
It’s not going to replace your iPod, but apart maybe from concerns over battery life there isn’t much reason to buy a standalone 128MB flash-based MP3 player when you could pick up the MusicMOTO MS350, Motorola’s new 1.3 megapixel cameraphone that’s designed specifically for listening to MP3s and that has 128MB of internal memory and dedicated buttons on the front so you can pause or skip tracks without having to actually flip open the phone. If you life in South Korea, that is. The MS350 was jointly developed with SK Telecom, which means it’s unlikely it’ll ever be sold over here, but Motorola will probably eventually make something similar for domestic consumption.