Clié Communiqué vom 19.10.04: Zusammenarbeit mit S/// angekündigt!

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    Original geschrieben von Abakus

    :( trifft es eher...

    Es ist offiziell - Sony verabscheidet sich aus dem PDA-Markt und wird auch in Japan nix neues mehr bringen. Das Knowhow soll in zukünftige Projekte von Sony Entertainment (PSP) und S/// einfließen. Mit Palm OS wird das aber wahrscheinlich nix zu tun haben. Palm stirbt einen sehr grausamen Tod, wie ich finde... :o

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    Original geschrieben von mobile dick
    :( trifft es eher...

    Nö, dazu hab ich viel zu gerne recht und Palm betrifft mich nicht wirklich... ;)

  • Following o_n from their withdrawal of overseas markets, Sony has announced that it will not release any new CLIE PDAs and will end production of all models in July. Looks like the booming popularity and expanding functionality of mobile phones was just too much for the CLIE to handle. Such is the cut-throat world of consumer electronics.
    Sony has made clear that it does intend to release any new models for its CLIE PDA line. Production of current models will end in July.
    Parts and repair service will continue to be available for 6 years from end of production, as outlined in the warranty statement. Specialist telephone support for Clie users will continue for one year. After that, support calls will be handled by VAIO customer service. These plans are normal procedure and are not affected by the decision not to release any new models.
    Associated paid services such as the sale of content downloads and the clie domain mail service will continue for the time being.
    The CLIE is a Palm OS-powered PDA released in 2000. CLIE is an acronym of "Communication Linkage for Information & Entertainment." As a "portable entertainment information terminal", it featured enriched audio-visual functions such as video playback.
    However, with the improvement in functionality of devices such as mobile phones, Sony announced that it would not release any new CLIE models in all markets except Japan in June 2004. Although models such as the "PEG-TH55" were popular in Japan, the market itself has been contracting and this led to this time's decision. The organic EL display equipped "VZ90" announced in September 2004 becomes the last model in the CLIE line.
    According to Sony, "although this is the end of the CLIE platform, the concept of a 'portable entertainment information terminal' will continue" and we can anticipate further expansion of platforms such as the PSP and mobile phone.


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