Habe folgenden "Anfängerfehler" unter Perl/ Windows 2000/ Apache 1.3.29 :
Wenn Ich ein Perl-Script öffnen will / bzw ausführen, bekomme Ich nur das Listing. z.B. # setup defaults, these are overidden by sql-ledger.conf
$userspath = "users";
$templates = "templates";
$memberfile = "users/members";
$sendmail = "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
########## end ###########################################
$| = 1;
use SL::Form;
eval { require "sql-ledger.conf"; };
$form = new Form;
# name of this script
$0 =~ tr/\\/\//;
$pos = rindex $0, '/';
$script = substr($0, $pos + 1);
# we use $script for the language module
$form->{script} = $script;
# strip .pl for translation files
$script =~ s/\.pl//;
# pull in DBI
use DBI;
# check for user config file, could be missing or ???
eval { require("$userspath/$form->{login}.conf"); };
if ($@) {
$locale = new Locale "$language", "$script";
$form->{callback} = "";
$msg1 = $locale->text('You are logged out!');
$msg2 = $locale->text('Login');
$form->redirect("$msg1 <p><a href=login.pl target=_to.....
Habe Ich eine Einstellung vergessen ?