some questions to 7650 users-please help

  • Hi to all the members
    I am planning to purchase nokia 7650 and i'd like to know few details:
    1.How fast is java ,do games run fast,smoothly,are many java applications running correctly f.g from there a timer during a call?
    3.Are polyphonic ringtones loud enough to hear them in a noisy place?
    Could you post your opinions(what are disadvantages)
    thanks for help

  • Hi.

    I didn't try a lot of java games, but what I tried so far is just running fine.
    From I didn't try anything so far, maybe somebody else can post his/her experience with them.

    Concerning the timer, you can easily check the time of the last call in the log. You can see call costs etc. as well.

    The polyphonic ringing tones are IMHO NOT loud enough. In a noisy environment I hardly can hear it. But the vibrator helps in such situations :)

    Hope that helps.


  • 1. The speed of Java applications may depend on the application himself,
    but all the applications i have run quite fast.
    There ist also a Java Demo (Ono),
    which shows some samples.

    2. During the call you can see the timer running on the screen.

    3. The loudness of the sounds is different in every tune. In general, it's not very loud.
    Put there are tools which you can use to modify the loudness of midi files.

    Don't wait, buy it ;)

    Signatur ist so 2002.

  • Hi.

    Where can I get what kind of tools to modify the loudness of midi files ?



  • Thanks for help i am gonna buy a phone but first i gotta sell my samsung.
    One more question can you give me a link with pictures taken by the 7650 camera,what's the quality?
    regards Tommy

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