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Changelog for Opera 6.30 for P900
ZitatAlles anzeigenThis document details the changes made in Opera 6.30 for P900.
Changes between build 274 -- 303
Small-Screen Rendering? (SSR)
Added frames stacking support
Added 'real tables' support
Support for smooth zoom in stacked frames mode
Many bug fixes and improvements
User Interface (UI)
New smooth zoom-dialog with JogDial support
New integrated internet search dialog
Added 'Close Opera' menu option
Added 'zoom' to full screen menu
Added 'Search Internet' to full screen menu
Added 'close window' to full screen menu
Changed 'load all images' to be a menu toggle 'load images' corresponding to the preference setting
Added 'about' menu option
Changed 'fit to page' to 'fit to screen'
Rearranged bookmark/webpage menus to be more consistent
Fixed bookmark related crash
Write 'www.' as default in open location dialog
Accomodate to new frames stacking mode in SSR
More graceful shutdown if killed from outside
Delete corresponding images when deleting saved pages
Make it possible to remove invalid bookmark/saved pages entry
Added support for tel: urls
Added busy-messages when toggling SSR and clearing cache
Fixed problem after pasting very long urls in Open location dialog
Fixed a crash problem on some pages with special titles
Added local start pages
added support for windows-1254
added support for windows-1256
Added TrueType font support
Changed UA string to include device name
Added support for wml table align
Cleanup old download items
Fixed problems with pause/resume functionality
Detect manual disconnection
Cancel all downloads before emptying the cache on a manual disconnect
Fixed crash problems when not possible to establish a connection
Fixed problem with cached css-files not being applied correctly
Enable support for Java applets on capable devices
Various bug fixes