V600 question....

  • Hello!

    I have one question about the V600; Is the language Norwegian installed on the phone?

    Thank you.

  • Hi !

    Norvegian is not installed on the phone.
    The installed languages are :




  • Thank you.

    But did you check on a "branded" version(Vodafone,O2...)?

    I think it might be some more languages on an "unbranded" version...

  • On the o2 Version of the v600 there are alle languages installed which Motorola4life just mentioned. No Norwegian.

    I think there won't be a Norwegian language support on the Vodafone v600 here in Germany either.

  • I think you misunderstood me.
    I am interested in an unbranded phone.....
    And there is a bigger chance that Norwgian is on them, because we don't have Vodafone or O2.

  • Yeah, I know you want an unbranded v600. But currently there ar no v600 unbranded retail Versions here in Germany.

    And you may reconsider buying a v600 in Norway. Chance then to get a Providerbranded or localized v600 with Norwegian language support is much higher than buying a not available v600 unbranded retail version in Germany ;)

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von per12
    But I think I read that Fonez.de has sold unbranded V600.....

    Also unbranded V600 with original Motorola Software Version "Triplets_G_0B.09.1DR_A " and FlexVersion "SE6446AXXF10F8" uses Language Pack No. 0039, which doesn't contain Norwegian.


    Mit Grüßen ...

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